


  • 项目类型:服装办公室
  • 项目面积:1000m²
  • 完成时间:2019年6月

走进这间服装品牌办公室,犹如走进一间冥想的场所,白色大理石与乳胶漆的材质结合与碰撞,充满了各种幻想与无限可能。 整个空间的设计理念从一条白色的裙子、月光以及T台延伸而来,空间呈现出极简与清新的感受,与主人的实用主义理念相契合。整个空间顿时散发出一种和谐的魅力,巧妙地传达了这间办公空间功能性与实用性的设计语言。

Walking into this clothing brand office is like walking into a place of meditation. The combination and collision of white marble and latex paint are full of various fantasies and infinite possibilities. The design concept of the whole space extends from a white dress, moonlight and catwalk. The space presents a minimalist and fresh feeling, which fits in with the pragmatic concept of the host. The whole space immediately sends out a kind of harmonious charm, ingeniously conveys the functional and practical design language of this office space.