


  • 项目类型:健身房设计
  • 项目面积:2000m²
  • 完成时间:2019年1月

我真正感兴趣的是如何在一个空间的特质中去感知另外一个空间,这就像是观望一个正在观望的人。当把客观性剔除后,反而能获得一种新的客观,正如你用视野去探量一个空间。”——James Turell


What I'm really interested in is how to perceive another space in the quality of one space, which is like watching a person who is watching. When you get rid of objectivity, you gain a new objectivity, just as you measure a space with your vision. - James Turell

The sports training centre is a fitness and strength training place for the community and its surrounding residents. Red, white and black convey the brand's concept, strength and professionalism. Alternating between red, black and white, the dazzling light makes the gym a magnet for the outdoors. The red and white text on the entrance staircase has a very good distortion mapping effect on the light, leading people into the fitness area. The "HSPOWER" is hung in the air in the form of luminous characters, which can be seen at a certain Angle, adding interest to the space. It is worth mentioning that the lighting of the whole hall can be changed to white light and red light at will, which can be matched with music to meet the needs of different types of courses. Light and space. Sometimes light shapes space, and sometimes space makes light.

