Portugal Vineyards葡萄酒店面,曲线塑造极致温柔感

Portugal Vineyards葡萄酒店面,曲线塑造极致温柔感

Portugal Vineyards

  • 项目类型:商业空间、零售空间、概念店、实体店
  • 项目面积:110平方米m²
  • 完成时间:2019年10月

Portugal Vineyards葡萄酒店是一家不设任何隔墙以打造完全开放的商业空间。参考葡萄园中梯田的形式,在弧形的墙壁上设计了一系列白色的展示架。通过间接照明以及产品与空间之间的鲜明对比,为顾客们提供了一个清晰的参观空间。值得一提的是,商店内部的光线不仅为展示葡萄酒的多样性提供了一个完美的背景环境,更让空间回到了其最核心、最本质的设计概念上,以便发掘出更多新鲜的事物。通过简单的、纯净的、中性色彩的室内空间最大限度地展示了各种颜色和形状的葡萄酒瓶。此外,商店内还设有一个品酒区。在这个区域内,传统的木制酒桶被涂成白色作桌子使用,配合着其旁边的吧台式的桌面,丰富了顾客们的购物体验。

Vineyards Vineyards Hotel is a completely open commercial space with no partitions. Referring to the form of terraces in the vineyard, a series of white display stands are designed on the curved walls. The indirect lighting and the contrast between the product and the space provide a clear visiting space for the customers. It is worth mentioning that the light inside the store not only provides a perfect background environment to show the diversity of wines, but also allows the space to return to its core and most essential design concept in order to explore more fresh things. Wine bottles of various colors and shapes are maximized through the simple, pure, neutral color interior space. The store also has a wine-tasting area. In this area, the traditional wooden wine cask is painted white as a table, which complements the desktop of the bar table next to it, enriching the shopping experience of customers.