


  • 项目类型:商业空间设计
  • 项目面积:340m²
  • 完成时间:2020年4月

“之物WU”服装品牌中WU意取“wu”,现代汉语的四个声调:屋、无、五、物,寓意是探索反思万物本源,渗透到生活方式的四个维度,去打造多元化的品质生活。空间中,我们利用了毛石材料的自然特性进行陈列,自然的石材是对传统记忆的保留,同时加入了极具反差的科技质感的金属材质。我们希望消费者走完整个空间之后打破传统单一的展示方式,用使用场景来增强互动,让受众享受传统记忆的同时与科技未来进行结合。Coco Chanel曾说过:“时尚即设计,都是关于比例与分割”。对此,在空间中休息区、前台区、试衣间、服装展示区的比例设置中,为了让这些功能区的形象不脱离整体,我们以模块的形式堆积组合,使各个功能相互咬合。我们擦掉产品定义空间的界限,让几何图案与线条,搭配上偏理性的冷色调光源,结合空间中的镜面与定制的拱形灯带虚实相生,呈现出一个穿越未来的“时空隧道”。

In the clothing brand WU, WU means "WU". The four tones in modern Chinese are "WU", "WU", "WU" and "WU", which means to explore and reflect the origin of all things, penetrate into the four dimensions of lifestyle, and create a diversified quality life. In the space, we make use of the natural characteristics of rubble stone materials for display. Natural stone materials are the preservation of traditional memory, while adding metal materials with contrasting scientific and technological texture. We hope that consumers will break the traditional single way of display after going through the whole space and enhance interaction with the use of scenes, so that the audience can enjoy the traditional memory and combine with the future of technology. Coco Chanel once said, "Fashion is design. It's all about proportion and division." In this regard, in the proportion setting of the rest area, the reception area, the fitting room and the clothing exhibition area in the space, in order to keep the image of these functional areas from being separated from the whole, we accumulate and combine them in the form of modules to make each function occlude with each other. We erase the boundary of the product definition space, let the geometric pattern and line, with the rational cold color light source, combined with the mirror in the space and the customized arch light with virtual reality, to present a "space-time tunnel" through the future.